Thursday 1 November 2012

A long time coming......

IM BACK!!! :P ......again i apologize for the massive delay in my posts.......things have been, lets just say.... interesting , i just read my last blog there and boy have things changed dramatically, working in telstra completely bombed out, it was a disaster to say the least!! no one was making any sales and my money was disappearing hard and fast, so me and sandy made a very tought out decision to leave and do our farm work, a decision that was not made lightly i can deeply assure you, iv never been as stressed in my life! bearly any money and an unclear plan of what to do! scary shit! we left anyway and decided to head to a place south of Perth called Margaret river, along with a friend we met through work, this person shall remained unnamed for legal reasons!:P..... According to the manager of the hostel we stayed in, surf point, there was plenty of jobs in vine pruning so we where delighted with the prospect of an actual income and our regional work complete before December,  so off we went with our last bit of money........ oh was she a lying skank bag!! there was nothing there and believe me we looked.....everywhere! to be fair most people there were working, and so would we have been had we come 6 weeks earlier! all the pruning was coming to an end and nothing else was starting again for a few months! it was a stressful week yet again, a feeling i was learning to get used to, we did get to somewhat enjoy our time there though and met some really spot on people, oh and we rented a car!! i got to drive in south oz, i thought i was unreal!  we went to a place called Augusta, where the Indian ocean meets the pacific ocean! neato right!!.....well i though so anyways! its a beautiful part of oz and im delighted we got to go there even if things didn't work out as we had planned!......also on the upside though we got friendly with a few irish girls who worked as care assistants in perth before, they gave us all the info we needed to head back to Perth with a new plan at hand. when we got back we hit it hard looking for work as care assistants and just over a week later we secured a job with an agency, choice one, who sends care assistants to hospitals around perth. Iv been working at sir charles gairdner hospital and iv have been there now for about 8 weeks and im delighted! things are really picking up here for us now too, we are embarking on an epic road trip up north the weekend for a week!! i'm soo excited, its well needed cos iv been working my little anus off the last few weeks!!! after that then its sandys birthday, xmas round the corner then off to Melbourne!! by by Perth!! canny wait!!
ok so thats it for now, ill wright another blog soon hopefully with ore details of the last couple months, just kinda skimmed over it there!:P lator gators!!......or crocks, im not sure which one they have here!??

Tuesday 24 July 2012

hi its steven calling on behalf of telstra!!

ok so blogging my trip has not been as smooth as i thought it would be and now the events have piled up in my mind, i just need to decipher the good ones and put them into words :P.........first things first, im at home  today because i was getting sick this morning in work, got some tablets for my tummy and barr the overall feeling of death through out my body im doing ok!..... so im still in the house we found after the hostel, we were going to move but money would'int allow plus we're settled enough here so no point in leaving just yet. our new zeland roomies moved out on Saturday, really sad to see them go, they are sound out! we'll be seeing them friday though hopefully for a few drinks! we moved into their room when they left, it has a telly n dvd palyer and its just more like a bedroom compared to our old room.....we live with the owner of the house, they're not here that much though which i don't mind!
ok so about the new job!..... well i guess i should tell you about my last one first...i HATED it!! i was basically standing in my suit in a shopping center trying to get credit card details off people, ok so i was signing them up to unicef but its the same thing! oh and it was solely commission based! it was horrible! one man shouted abuse at me for being irish when i asked to speak with him! CHEEK! anyways after my first official day i knew i hated but thought to myself  just stick it out because its a fucking job!.....the next day i went in all pumped, ready for the day............i quit at 12! i really hated it, there was no 2 ways about it so i went up to my 'boss' told him i got offered a better job and left!!....don't judge you would have done the same! that was on a thursday and luckily where sandy was working was hiring and she referred me so i had an interview by monday and im there since!.......its actually a cool place to work! everyone is so sound and i met some really sound people in my training group!..... oh and what i do is telesales for the biggest telecommunication business in oz, telstra! i sell home, phone and internet bundles! im only on the floor since last wed and iv made a sale already! its also commission based but no where near as horrible as the last job, i can see their is good money to be made here, on average 12 to 1600 + every forth night, its hard to imagine it now because im only a baby there but people are making it so there is hope yet!! me and sandy wanted to do or farm work asap as funds are dwindling but i doubt its going to happen till September cos its not harvest time just yet! all going well though the money will start coming in the next few weeks other wise im FUCKED!!!! ok im going to leave it at that for now, i shall continue again soon, in the mean time give someone an unexpected compliment today!......i donno just a thought!
☮ ♥ n ♫

Sunday 1 July 2012

Three weeks on wed!

i know iv have been shit at keeping up with my blog but its been hard to get the time when iv no wifi!! i should be getting it in our house today or tomorrow so ill wright a proper blog then!
for now ill just give you the gist of we stayed in the hostel for little over a week, it was grand when we were in the private room but then we were chucked into a six bed with 3 irish lads who were up at 6am for work and another irish lad that did not seem to leave the room, no matter what time we where there so was he, just lying on his bed..... what the fuck like?? and the funnist part was he was under sandy....yes under, we both got landed witht the top bunk and not even near each other!! was funny as hell/horrific trying to get into bed with no ladder as a mere fart would set off a train reaction of squeeking from the metal beds! needless to say we didnt sleep much!!
we found a place to live since, its cheaper but about 20 mins from the city, its close to my new found friends though who live 5 mins around the corner! it will do for now i guess. we want to move closer to the city so fingers crossed all will work out soon.
also i start my job forceing people to sign up to a charity tomorrow! can't wait! :/ not my dream job but beggers can't be choosers!! ok ill leave it there for now as im wracking up a small fortune in the internet cafe here!
slan abhaile, speak soon. ;)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

through the looking glass.....

Ok things are getting very real now!! i got my Hong Kong and ozzy dollars today!! can't believe how close it is now, a mere 2 weeks people!..... !
I really can't wait to see Hong Kong! never though id get to see there! i'm actually looking forward to that the most at the moment!........not so much looking forward to the good byes though especially to my parents!:( im defo going to cry till i puke the first 6 hours of my flight thinking of everyone! :/ awh well...
on the up side there's, what could be a dangerous, going away party on in Galway the weekend after next! my mates want to rent an apartment for a week, even when im gone the'll still be partying! see that's how much I'm loved!:P...(they don't love me really they just want to party..FML) the pictures from them couple of days should be 'interesting'! ill be sure to post some of the viewable ones here after it goes down.... well assuming it all goes ahead i guess!
thats it for now anyway, the next post will be the night before my departure from the land of unicorns and high taxes(ireland)!! later gator.........what!!!???

This is our Hong Kong hotel!
and this is the pool at the very top!.....FANCY!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

new beginnings......

HELLO WORLD!!......or one or two people!? This is my first ever blog! Im creating it for those of you (mainly my mammy) who want to follow me and see what i'm up to on my misadventures in Australia!! ill be updating my blog at least once a week with pictures, videos, and some diary like entry's from when i leave on the 13th of june!! I'm getting a nice fancy camera for my birthday and ill bring my laptop so i can keep on top of things! i will put everything in as it happens weekly good or bad or sexy! you only live once right!? i might as well document it all so i can look back at it on my I pad93 when im old and off my saggy tits from all the pills i can bribe from my night nurse and thinking 'oh god what have i done with my life'!?? 
Well that's it for now, my next entry will probably be the week leading up to my departure! whoop! take care.
Steve. ☮ ♥ n ♫ 

This is probably how ill end up after a year a sun and partying!:/